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What is the MaMA Festival?

What is the MaMA Festival?

What is the MaMA Festival? First of all, the MaMA Festival in Paris is a musical event that takes place every year in October. It is an independent music festival that showcases artists of all genres. The festival takes place in various concert halls and clubs in the...
What is Music Distribution?

What is Music Distribution?

What is Music Distribution? Digital distribution is the ultimate link between your finished album and your fans. Digital music distribution has become a rule of thumb. Music labels and independent artists have always had to go through essential music distributors to...


How to get your music on Shazam? First of all, who doesn’t know Shazam today? We have all, at some point in our lives, listened to music that is playing on TV or radio without knowing its name. Fortunately, Shazam is there for that. We press the central button...


Why put your music on Anghami?  Anghami is the new application that offers its listeners around the world unlimited Arabic and international music. Indeed, it is the first legal music streaming platform in the Middle East and North Africa. Putting your music on...
How do you create your image?

How do you create your image?

Create and Maintain your Image on the Networks How do you create your image? This is often “the” question that most artists ask themselves, once their music is ready to be released. In a society of constantly evolving images, present in all modes of...